christian education
The Church School is committed to providing a foundation for Christian growth and development and for spiritual fulfillment to persons ages 3 and up. Bible-based classes, following the International Sunday School Text, are conducted Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. The Church School ministry facilitates understanding of the different components of the worship experience such as communion, baptism and UHC Church Doctrine through sermonettes, songs, catechism exercises and traditional bible study.

Leader: Bro. Fredrick Boyd
encouragement MINISTRY
The Encouragement Ministry exists to provide spiritual and physical support to families during illness and death of loved ones. Our goal is to encourage, console, support and intercede for God’s people in times of tribulation using Christ’s example as our role model, to ensure that members of the Holy Temple Church family and surrounding community during illness and death are supported and comforted.
Leader: Pastor Steven Pierce 
food & hospitality ministry

We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth (3 John 1:8).
Leaders: Mother Joann Staton & Mother Tina Anderson
Marriage ministry
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:9 KJV
The marriage ministry is designed to enrich the lives of couples and those engaged to be married. This ministry host classes, bible study workshops, retreats, and more to equip and enrich the lives of families.
Leaders: Tonia and Terrence Bailey
Multi-Media Ministry
The Multi-Media Ministry is an integral and valuable component in the life of Holy Temple Church. The Media team provides the following Audio support for all church services and special events:
- sound reinforcement
- stage monitor support
- stage management
- audio recording.

The Media Ministry also provides the following Visual support for all church servies and special events:
The Multi-Media Ministry also creates a physical ministry video Library, duplicates and prints CDs /DVDs of services and provides sales of the recorded services to the church congregation. The Media Minstry also creates a Ministry library on Facebook, Youtube and the Church's web page.
Leader: Bro. Matthew Pierce
Team: Bro. Terrance Bailey-Audio & Visual Support; Bro. Matthew Pierce; Bro. Tony Goodloe-Video Support; Bro. Charles Redmond-Media Support; Bro. Timothy Pierce-Media Support; Sis. Amber Pierce-Media Support;
Public Relations Ministry
The Public Relations Ministry is a vital component to the church. Holy Temple's Public Relations Ministry manages the church's communication through public affairs, photography, and media and marketing. The Communications Ministry reaches the congregation and our community through media in order to inspire, inform, and invite participation in the life, mission, and purposes of the Church through worship projection, management of the eChurch, social networking, public relations and other special projects. The Public Relations Ministry directs and manages the Church's social networking presence (Facebook, YouTube, and Instragram) and Web Site by ensuring that pertinent and prominent information about ministry events are routinely shared and updated. The Public Relations Ministry helps develop and coordinate creative projects or publicity campaigns for events with regard to print, web & multi-media advertising. The PR helps with ministry campaigns, graphic designs, press releases, videos, posters, flyers, banners, mail-outs, pamphlets, yard signs, posters, newspaper ads, and etc.
Leaders: Bro. Marvin Anderon
Team: Sis. Brooks Suggs-Digital Content Producing/Marketing, Elder Katrina Ward-Facebook; Sis. Tonia Bailey-Annoucements; Sis. Rhonda Wilson-Email
Security Ministry
The primary goal of the Security Ministry is to maintain a peaceful, safe environment which is conducive to teaching, working, living and sharing in the word of our Lord and Savior. The ministry works closely with the dedicated members to actively solicit and encourage the cooperation of the church family to decrease the opportunity for crime and to facilitate maximum member participation in crime prevention by following basic rules and guidelines that has been set in place by the church.
Leaders: Bro. William Georges & Bro. Williams Evans
"Do not cast me off in the time of old age; d
o not forsake me when my strength is spent." Psalms 71:9
Leader: Mother Joyce Harris

For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness (Psalms 84:10).
Our Ushers and Greeters serve as doorkeepers and representatives of the church. The Usher and Greeters Ministry wants to ensure the best possible worship experience for our members and guests at all worship services.
Our Aim is to help make our worship services warm, inviting, and safe.
Our Mission is to welcome and direct parishioners, and ensure proper order is kept at all times. We will treat all parishioners with kindness, tact and courtesy at all times.
Our Objectives are to serve and welcome each and every one into HTC so they can experience a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and equip them for service to God and humanity. (Romans 12:13)
Our Purpose is to exude the love of Christ to our guests and members that they may be transformed from strangers into the family of God.